Thursday, 21 May 2015

A SQL database design to simulate the followings #DBMS1

Notown Records has decided to store information about musicians who perform on its albums. Each musician that records at Notown has an SSN, a name, an address, and a phone number. No musician has more than one phone. Each instrument used in songs recorded at Notown has a unique identification number, a name (e.g., guitar, synthesizer, flute) and a musical key (e.g., C, B-flat, E-flat). Each album recorded on the Notown label has a unique identification number, a title, a copyright date and a format (e.g., CD or MC). Each song recorded at Notown has a title and an author. Each musician may play several instruments, and a given instrument may be played by several musicians. Each album has a number of songs on it, but no song may appear on more than one album. Each song is performed by one or more musicians, and a musician may perform a number of songs. Each album has exactly one musician who acts as its producer. A musician may produce several albums. Queries
a) List musician name, title of the song which he has played, the album in which song has occulted.

b) List the details of songs which are performed by more than 3 musicians.
c) List the different instruments played by the musicians and the average number of musicians who play the instrument.
d) Retrieve album title produced by the producer who plays guitar as well as flute and has produced no of songs greater than the average songs produced by all producers.

e) List the details of musicians who can play all the instruments present.

...........................CREATE TABLES.............................
create table projects
            pno                  number,
            sponsor                        varchar(15),
            st_date                        number,
            end_date         number,
            budget             number,
            primary key(pno)

create table professor
            prof_id                        number                        primary key,
            name                varchar(15),
            age                   number(5),
            rank                 varchar(10),
            speciality         varchar(15),
            pno      number            references        projects

create table students
            usn       varchar(5),
            name    varchar(15),
            program           varchar(15),
            primary key(usn)

create table stud_workson_proj
            prof_id            number            references        professor,
            pno      number            references        projects,
            usn       varchar(20)      references        students

create table prof_workson_proj
            prof_id            number            references        professor,
            pno      number            references        projects

...............................INSERT INTO TABLE.........................

insert into projects values('101','UGC','2006','2028','70000');
insert into projects values('102','UG','1992','2026','60000');
insert into projects values('103','UG','2003','2024','50000');
insert into projects values('104','COLL','2008','2022','000');
insert into projects values('105','UFC','2010','2020','30000');
insert into projects values('106','ULC','2001','2018','20000');
insert into projects values('107','UML','2000','2016','65000');
insert into projects values('108','FLV','1999','2014','75000');
insert into projects values('109','DOC','2006','2012','78000');
insert into projects values('110','UGC','2004','2010','85000');

insert into professor values('201','Abhishek','20','1200','database mgt','101');
insert into professor values('202','Hrishikesh','21','1201','database','102');
insert into professor values('203','Tejraj','22','1202','D.S','101');
insert into professor values('204','Kokitkar','23','1203','Unix','103');
insert into professor values('205','Kotrappa','24','1204','mysql','104');
insert into professor values('206','Govind','25','1205','Clang','105');
insert into professor values('207','Swaroopa','26','1206','cpp','106');
insert into professor values('208','Venogopal','27','1207','java','102');
insert into professor values('209','Mithari','28','1208','O.S','105');
insert into professor values('210','Manoj','29','1209','system s/w','103');
insert into professor values('211','Poonam','30','1300','visual basic','101');
insert into professor values('212','Amol','31','1301','fco','106');
insert into professor values('213','Raghvendra','32','1302','DMS','108');
insert into professor values('214','Narendra','33','1303','WEB','108');
insert into professor values('215','Sonia','34','1304','computer n/w','105');

insert into students values('s01','Abhijeet','MCA');
insert into students values('s02','Abid','BCA');
insert into students values('s03','Akshata','BE');
insert into students values('s04','Ankita','MCA');
insert into students values('s05','Apurva','MCA');
insert into students values('s06','Anoop','MSC');
insert into students values('s07','Aparna','MS');
insert into students values('s08','Adavesh','MCA');
insert into students values('s10','Rajnikanth','BBA');
insert into students values('s11','Amit','MBA');
insert into students values('s12','Soumya','MCA');
insert into students values('s13','Amita','MCA');
insert into students values('s14','Apeksha','MCA');
insert into students values('s15','Akshay','BE');
insert into students values('s16','Chetana','BE');
insert into students values('s17','Maya','MCA');
insert into students values('s18','dhanraj','ARCH');
insert into students values('s19','Anant','MCA');
insert into students values('s20','kiran','BE');

insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','101','s01');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','102','s02');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('202','103','s03');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('203','101','s01');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('204','104','s01');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('205','103','s03');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('205','105','s04');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('206','104','s05');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('207','101','s06');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('209','102','s04');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','105','s03');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','106','s05');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('202','107','s07');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('203','103','s05');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('204','103','s05');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('206','105','s04');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('205','105','s06');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('207','101','s08');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('208','107','s14');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('208','103','s11');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','107','s11');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','103','s11');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','104','s11');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','108','s11');
insert into stud_workson_proj values('201','110','s11');

insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','101');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','101');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('203','101');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('204','102');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('205','103');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('206','103');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('207','102');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('208','108');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('209','108');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('210','102');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('211','104');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('212','101');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('215','106');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('214','106');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('215','108');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('204','108');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('205','104');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('206','108');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('203','109');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('206','110');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('207','101');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','109');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','102');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','103');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','104');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','105');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','106');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','107');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','108');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('201','110');

insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','102');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','103');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','104');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','105');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','106');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','107');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','108');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','109');
insert into prof_workson_proj values('202','110');

from professor p, projects pr
where p.pno=pr.pno AND budget<100000;



15 rows selected.

from students s, professor p, projects a, stud_workson_proj w
where s.usn=w.usn AND p.prof_id=w.prof_id AND a.pno=w.pno;

NAME                 NAME                 SPONSOR
-------------------- -------------------- --------------------
Akhilesh             Abhishek             UGC
Abid                 Abhishek             UG
Akshata              Hrishikesh           UG
Akhilesh             Tejraj               UGC
Akhilesh             Kokitkar             COLL
Akshata              Kotrappa             UG
Ankita               Kotrappa             UFC
Apurva               Govind               COLL
Anoop                Swaroopa             UGC
Ankita               Mithare              UG
Akshata              Abhishek             UFC
Apurva               Abhishek             ULC
Aparna               Hrishikesh           UML
Apurva               Tejraj               UG
Apurva               Kokitkar             UG
Ankita               Govind               UFC
Anoop                Kotrappa             UFC
Adavesh              Swaroopa             UGC
Amit                 Venogopal            UG
Apeksha              Venogopal            UML

20 rows selected.

 select, sum(budget)
from professor p, projects a
where p.pno=a.pno AND a.st_date>2000 AND a.end_date=2018
group by;

NAME                 SUM(BUDGET)
-------------------- -----------
Amol                       20000
Swaroopa                   20000

from professor p, projects a
where p.pno=a.pno AND
BUDGET>(select avg(budget)
from projects);


7 rows *

from professor p
where p.prof_id in(select prof_id
from prof_workson_proj
group by prof_id
having count(*)=(select count(*)
from projects));


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